Iliana Ivanova is the current European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth.

Before this, she was Member of the European Court of Auditors, Dean of Chamber II responsible for audits in the field of “Investment for cohesion, growth and inclusion”.

She was Reporting Member for the annual Statement of Assurance in relation to MFF heading “Economic, social
and territorial cohesion” and a number of performance audits concerning the topic of Youth Employment including ECA Special reports: “EU Youth Guarantee: first steps taken but implementation risks ahead”, “Commission’s support of Youth Action Teams: redirection of ESF funding achieved, but insufficient focus on results” and: “Youth unemployment – have EU policies made a difference? An assessment of the Youth Guarantee and the Youth Employment Initiative”.

She is former Member of the European Parliament, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Budgetary Control and ViceChair of the Special Committee on the Economic, Financial and Social Crisis.

Iliana Ivanova holds a Master degree in International Economic Relations from the University of Economics in Varna and a MBA from the Thunderbird University in Arizona.